Episode 38 The Grassy Knoll Part 8 Published Jul 16, 2021
Episode 38 is the eighth episode in our journey into the mysterious world of the Grassy Knoll and the idea of a conspiracy. This eighth episode covers the curious testimony of Emmett Hudson, the Dealey Plaza Groundskeeper. These witnesses in this portion of the series were the closest to the president at the point of the fatal head shot and they saw the impact of the shot in close up detail. Mr. Hudson was standing on the steps located on the Grassy Knoll itself. The steps leading up to the picket fence. Listen to the episode to find out the bizarre statement made by Mr. Hudson…and then ask, why? In these episodes, we evaluate an array of evidence and testimony regarding the possible presence of other gunman that fired from locations other than the Texas School Book Depository building. We also begin to explore an array of matters that dive into a deeper darkness related to what went on that day in Dallas, matters that possibly point to a wider and more sinister plot to kill the president.