Episode 42 Gordon Arnold and Professor McAdams Published Jul 16, 2021
Episode 42 is a continuation of our journey into the mysterious world of the Grassy Knoll and the idea of a conspiracy. This episode is the second of two episodes addressing Gordon Arnold. In this episode, we critically analyze the statements made by Arnold and view it through the lens of those most critically acclaimed for their anti-conspiracy views. Professor John McAdams one of the most respected and well known JFK researchers who was a proponent of the lone gunman theory and a supporter of the work of the Warren Commission gets special attention in this episode. His recent death in April, 2021 marks the passing of a man who did much to advance the credibility of the post Warren Commission research and debate related to the assassination. His contributions, including a comprehensive website that acted as a serious gateway to fundamental research materials and his JFK blog, loom large in the research community. Come join us for another entertaining episode covering some of the wildest moments and speculation yet in our quest for the truth. As a juror, you will have to make your own conclusions on this one! These witnesses in this portion of the series were the closest to the president at the point of the fatal head shot and they saw the impact of the shot in close up detail. In these episodes, we evaluate an array of evidence and testimony regarding the possible presence of other gunman that fired from locations other than the Texas School Book Depository building. We also begin to explore an array of matters that dive into a deeper darkness related to what went on that day in Dallas, matters that possibly point to a wider and more sinister plot to kill the president.
I have to write and commend you on the exhaustive and comprehensive podcast you have put together thus far.
As a recent retiree and avid JFK assassination buff, I have begun to listen to your podcasts every morning as I walk my 5 miles. Your attention to detail is flawless and I applaud your attempt to keep your observations to a minimum and let the “jury” decide on the evidence presented. The presentation is well organized and flows well. I look forward to future podcasts surrounding the forensics, Marina Oswald, Jack Ruby and his various connections, and the curious deaths including William Pitzer, John Roselli. Sam Giancana, David Ferrie, Dorothy Kilgallen and many others.
While I subscribe to the belief that not all eyewitness reports are typically reliable, I believe the backgrounds of LHO and Ruby alone make the story of 2 lone crazed gunmen hard to imagine. I believe the key to this mystery lies in who really was LHO? That has bothered me all these years. To truly unlock that is the hardest question in this tragedy.
Hi Howard,
Thank you so much for reaching out. I really enjoy hearing personal stories like yours. It’s thoroughly motivating to me. I couldn’t be more delighted that you enjoy the podcast that much. That is exactly why I am doing this! This is my first podcast series and I suppose that 30 years or so of avid reading and inquiry on this topic and the love I have for this country is the basis for doing this…I agree with you that the key to all of this is to understand who LHO was…And that is a mystery, wrapped in a riddle….inside an enigma…I know I didnt get that one quite right as a quote, but its easy to get the drift…in some ways same with Ruby…All the characters that you named are up on deck as we continue our trek West. Some three or four weeks ago I was refreshing my understanding of Dorothy Kilgallen’s story and the one fact that I have yet to run down is whether any subsequent witnesses saw her papers (what was left of them) before they were supposedly destroyed by the man she was seeing…)….well its all fascinating stuff and I cant wait to get to it…sorry for the recent slow down ans I had some pressing business to take care of but I will be putting out more episodes later this week…please do keep in touch and please do keep listening!!
Thanks for responding Jeff.
For more info on Dorothy Kilgallen check into books written by Mark Shaw.
I look forward to further podcasts and communicating with you.
Been re-reading the “False Defection Program” and the Webster-Marina connection. Very interesting.