Episode 47 Richard Randolph Carr Part 1 Published Aug 10, 2021

Episode 47 is a continuation of our journey into the mysterious world of the Grassy Knoll and the idea of a conspiracy. This episode is dedicated to one witness Richard Randolph Carr and is the first in a two part series. Carr happened to be inside the new criminal courts building at the time of the motorcade on November 22nd, and what he saw from a high floor was nothing short of fantastic. This building was still under construction at the time of the assassination. His testimony was taken by the FBI but his statement was altered and augmented so as not to be contradictory to the lone gunman theory. He was completely ignored by the Warren Commission and did not testify under oath until Jim Garrison conducted the Clay Shaw trial in 1969. Episode 47 sets the stage and Episode 48 reproduces the entirety of his Clay Shaw Trial Testimony. These two episodes should be listened to in conjunction with one another. Once again, the tragedy that is the assassination extends itself to more than just the President.