Episode 57 Parkland After Death Part 2 Published Sep 19, 2021

Episode 57 is the second in a multi-part sub series. This sub series tells the story of the solemn and chaotic events which took place at Parkland Hospital just before and after President Kennedy expired including the confrontation with the Dallas Medical Examiner Earl Rose regarding removal of the president’s body. In Episode 57 we encounter more unusual events that took place that day at the hospital. Stumble upon Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital right at the time the president was being attended to, which is a fact that was discounted by the Warren Commission. This sub series continues the story of an emotionally intense period, and in upcoming episodes, we will cover the travel back to Washington and the autopsy. We’ll also explore more of the physical evidence involving use and ownership of the Mannlicher Carcano rifle and evidence recovered from the Presidential limousine, as well as damage done to the vehicle.
Enjoy! Jeff