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Episode 112 Where Do We Go Next?

Episode 112 is live! Episode 112 is a complete wander into what we might cover next in the podcast series. We have “stayed at it” and produced 111 episodes of JFK the Enduring Secret and covered a lot of ground. But there is much more to cover. And, now…it’s all about where to go next….what topics and in what order are the subject of this interesting events where we reveal snippets related to the panoply of events and people that are still to be woven into the story that we are telling. Come listen to the prelude of what might be in the next 112 episodes of JFK the Enduring secret…what roads we go down on our way to the Golden Gate…before we say goodnight for the last time, like Johnny Carson on the tonight show. We are a long ways from that still and so join in the conversation and go to and post your thoughts on the blog for episode 112 related to the topics you would like to hear about next. Or better yet, send me an email at Either way, keep listening, and join us for the whole series of episodes about the fantastic goings on that encompass this part of the JFK story. Enjoy! Jeff

Please do give us your feedback on where we go next and what you would like to see covered in a podcast episode. You may leave your comments here on the blog for episode 112 or send me an email at

Click  on the link below to listen to episode 112

Episode 112 Where Do We Go Next?

Thoughts on "Episode 112 Where Do We Go Next?"

  1. Lorne Hughes says:

    I continue to enjoy and look forward to this podcast. Excellent! I think a episode or two on Connolly’s wounds and the physical evidence of his clothes would be interesting. Perhaps this could be tied to a further examination of the Jfk’s neck wound. If the Parkland view of it being an entrance wound is true, i dont understand how that bullet could have missed other occupants of the car. Perhaps it was from the knoll and hit his neck while slightly turned towards the crowd in front of the TSBD. Its too bad that sign is in the way on the Z film.
    Perhaps another topic could be your “take” and dissection of the new film “JFK Revisited”. For me, I found it fascinating on a few seemingly small points such as the strap differences on the alleged Oswald rifle and the car honks just prior to Ruby fatally shooing Oswald. Im sure people would be interested to hear some of your take aways. Best regards from the North West Territories. L

    1. jeffcrudele says:

      Hi Lorne,

      So glad that you are enjoying the podcast. We did some material on Connolly’s wounds in the early episodes of the single bullet theory but you are correct that we probably could have covered that more thoroughly under the autopsy series as medical evidence related to the single bullet theory…I have had the chance to watch JFK revisited and also have read Josiah Thompson’s latest book…last second in Dallas…I think it all comes down to whether you believe that it was possible for two headshots from opposite directions to hit almost simultaneously and I do believe that was quite possible…there are other items in the book and the film too, and certainly the issue with the strap that you point is one of them….you know there is an often discounted set of books by a CIA operatiive Robert Morrow who describes his alledged part in all of this which was an unwitting delivery of a handful of Mannlicher carcanos to another operative…for a kill…and they were supposedly modified…he was a sensationalist but there were parts of his story that were undoubtedly true…its worth reading…how much you believe is a function of many things…but it does play into the issue of finding a gun with a different strap…Thank you again for reaching out and I hope you keep listening!


  2. Stevo says:

    Like your lake analogy Jeff, there are plenty of remaining fingers/tributaries that remain unexplored but each one requires investigating so as not to miss that vital clue – the mother load perhaps.

    1. jeffcrudele says:

      I sure hope we can find the mother lode…or it finds us before this all over…because the story deserves an ending.


  3. Dan Lint says:

    Jeff, I absolutely love your podcast and am always anxiously waiting for the next episode. I really hope you go down every tributary of this lake exploring every possible story that you mentioned in episode 112. Like yourself I have always been intrigued with the JFK assassination and over the years I have read a number of books on the subject. There is however one story that I hope you explore and that is the Judyth Vary Baker story. I did read her book and although it seems almost unbelievable I can’t help thinking that her story could possibly be true. Sometime back I communicated with author Jefferson Morley (his stories stay mainly with the CIA) he said that he sat with her at talked for some time, he told me his opinion of her story was suspicious but he also said it had some interesting facts. Anyway if your looking for fan picks this one I vote for. Please continue with your great work and you should definitely write a book when you complete the podcast and you should also see what it would take to turn this thing into a serialized TV documentary ! That I would love.
    Dan Lint…..Anxiously Awaiting Episode 113

    Jefferson Morley Judyth Vary Baker

    1. jeffcrudele says:

      Hi Dan,

      Sorry it took me so long to reply. Life has been so busy lately for me. I am trying to keep up and keep the volume of episodes coming but its a real challenge. That is quite a connection to be conversing with Jeff Morley who has become one of this latest generation of JFK researchers and spokesman on the topic. He is widely respected and I always learn something from listening or reading his materials. There are some folks like Rob Carter at the Lone Gunman Podcast who have come out more strongly against the validity of Judyth Vary Baker and Rob is thoughtful and thorough so you have to listen to his comments. One thing is for sure, her story is one of the tallest stories in the JFK mosaic and if even some of it is true, it really adds to the color of the whole thing. Thanks again for all your encouragement as comments like yours are what drives me to stay at it. Maybe I will write a book at some point,as you suggest. I have had a number of folks urge me to do so. Although, there are so many authors whose written materials are far superior to what I could do. My advantage, I hope, is in the story telling and the simplifying of such complex materials and matters. But for now the podcast has really become the perfect venue for me to tell the story and wander through it side by side with many folks like yourself who are enjoying the shared real time experience. Please do keep listening and love to hear from you when your time permits…



  4. Linda Taylor says:


    After coming late to the party, and binging to catch up, I am with Dan (above) in anxiously awaiting Episode 113 and would “wander” with you just about anywhere! I’m reading several books at once and right now Ruth Paine has my interest. I’m hoping to watch the current documentary on her soon. Thanks for following your passion and sharing all this with us.

    1. jeffcrudele says:

      Hi Linda,

      Thanks for reaching out. Really appreciate the positive feedback and want you to know how motivating it is to receive. We touch on Ruth Paine just a little in this latest couple of episodes (113 and 114) but there will be more on her…She may be one of the last living folks that has something to reveal…wouldn’t that be something…appreciate that you like the wanders! That makes me smile wide!



  5. Thomas Tucker says:

    Jeff- at some point, I’d like to hear some episodes about Ruby, modern computer simulations of the shooting, the role of Mafia involvement, and the role of de Mohrenschildt. There are just so many threads to follow!
    Great podcast.

    1. jeffcrudele says:

      Hi Tom,

      Thanks for letting me know. I am very excited to get everyone’s preferences. We will definitely be doing more on Ruby and De Mohrenschildt. And we are of course in the middle of the first phase of explaining the Mafia connection…and there will be much more on that…yes, you say it well, there are so many threads to follow! Hope you keep listening Thomas and I always look forward to the feedback.



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