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Episode 80 The Autopsy Part 16

Episode 80 continues the story of the autopsy. This episode is the second and final in a two part series that covers the HSCA testimony in 1978 of John Ebersole, MD the Radiologist in charge of the radiology studies performed on the President at Bethesda. Join us in this sixteenth autopsy episode which begins to reveal even more fantastic events that occurred during the autopsy. This episode contains some of the most explosive facts in this series to date. And join us for a whole series of episodes about the fantastic goings on that encompass this part of the JFK story. Enjoy! Jeff

Thoughts on "Episode 80 The Autopsy Part 16"

  1. Christopher Brown says:

    Loved the episode and how you broke it down. I binged listen to the podcast over the last month after just by chance typing in JFK into the podcast search on my player and seeing this amazing podcast pop up. Please keep up the great work that you are doing. I am what you stated in a previous episode as the younger generation and have been researching the assassination with anything I could get my hands on to read for the last 28 years. I’m 38 if that gives you any indication of when it started for me.

    Again thank you for doing these episodes and I am looking forward to listening to the next one as soon as it becomes available.

  2. John Sandel says:

    Hi, hope everything well for you and yours. I will not say whether or not there is more to just the lone crazed gunman theory, it’s plausible. But I will say this, there are too many unanswered questions to just look away. Yes, I know there is alot of BS out there, no doubt. So I always keep an open mind. Lately, I’ve been reading Gerald Posner’s Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (1993).
    It is very well written and informative especially concerning Oswald’s life. But that being said, I still find him coming to convenient conclusions regularly just like many others who write about the assasination.
    It’s a worthwhile read, one has to see all sides of the argument.

  3. Peter says:

    Jeff, another great one! Your hospital administrative background really helps the analysis here and generally. You break it down well, and this is tough stuff to break down. That doctor sounds just like Bill Holden to me, funny. Also, sorry to hear of your data loss. Happy New Year to you and keep up the good work.

  4. Tim Schaal says:

    Hope all is well. Love this podcast and am now missing it. It’s exactly what I have been looking for and I love your just the facts approach to all the evidence. Everyone else seems to present the facts in a way that only bolsters their theory of the crime.

    Trust your computer problems didn’t completely wipe out your notes. Backblaze is a great cloud back up tool. I’ve used it for years and highly recommend it.

  5. Bob says:

    Hello Jeff,

    I want to thank you for your comprehensive and informative podcast series! Your presentation and approach to producing the podcast makes it an easy and addicting listen. You seemingly put this together as your own labor of love, with no advertisements or financial gain, much to everyone’s benefit. That truly deserves a thank you, and we all appreciate the amount of time and effort you put into this series!

    I did want to inquire how long you see the podcast going on for, and if you have any plans on continuing production on any other sorts of podcast once this one is finished? I think you really have a knack for this, and I truly enjoy listening and learning from you. If it is something you haven’t already considered, you should think about it!

    Thank you again!


    P.S. It was a bit of a shot to my heart, even after all these years, when you mentioned your Dolphins 72’ team famously going undefeated. I am a Patriots fan, and the first Super Bowl loss to the Giants still stings!! Lol

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