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Episode 85 A Conversation With My Brother Dennis

Episode 85 is a special first time live episode that is an unrehearsed “unthought about” conversation between me and my older brother Dennis Crudele, who was truly an inspiring figure to start this broadcast. If you like a good wander, continue to listen. We will be back to the regular show in episode 86. Hope you can join us for a wonderful wander in episode 85. Enjoy! Jeff

Episode 85

Thoughts on "Episode 85 A Conversation With My Brother Dennis"

  1. Bob Cady says:

    A dissenting voice:
    Isn’t there a better place for this kind of non-JFK assassination content? Perhaps an audio newsletter sent to your circle of friends? I listen to your podcast for the JFK content. A deep dive into the topic is fascinating and, I believe, important. I’m getting less of that and more of your off-topic material. Sadly, it has become more and more challenging to listen since you seem so intent on spending time on your “wanders.” You beat that word like a rented mule, by the way. Frankly, it’s tedious, as is the way the podcast has devolved. To put it directly, please just stay on topic. Your respect for my time and attention will result in building my loyalty to you and the podcast.
    Please look at your podcast’s content in terms of the listener, the individual JFK focused listener, rather than indulging your circle of family and friends by talking about what they might respond to.
    FYI – My background includes 30 years as a radio broadcaster. One essential quality necessary for effective communication is speaking to the individual rather than to the audience as a whole. I’m asking you to give that some consideration as you continue the podcast. Good luck, Jeff. I wish you well.

    1. jeffcrudele says:

      Hi Bob,

      Thanks for the feedback. I really have to take a pause after getting such a comment. I have almost 250,000 downloads on the show…and its growing…and only two comments over the entire life of the show have been as negative as the one you just posted. I am posting yours because I think other listeners should see it. No doubt there are some folks who don’t like the wanders, but most refrain from providing feedback in a negative fashion as you did. You, know…I’ll just go on one more tiny little wander with you in this public venue, even though I know you are not much interested in wanders… and so the very first thing is to draw from a bible verse that says careless words cut like a sword. Your words to me are careless when you say things like “You beat the word like a rented mule”. First of all, this podcast is free, YET there is NOTHING like it on the podcast channels as they exist today. Go look and see for yourself…Iyou wont find it. As a listener, you are free to leave and find other more interesting things to listen to… or to continue to search for your perfect JFK podcast. It may prove to be as elusive as the truth we are seeking on the show. And as for your other comments, I am not out to build brand loyalty or to secure your commimtent to listen or to do any of the other things you mentioned that are so indicative of a commercial broadcast. I am well aware of what it takes to build such an economic model and personal brand. I have invested almost two years of my own time and savings, making these episodes…. as a gift to folks like you. They are FREE at this time. Yes, there is a unique portion associated with the wanders and I have only done one episode that is live and with the off content character that you describe (and apparently don’t like very much). I have attempted to give the listener fair warning in the title of the episode or the prelude to the episode so that, in the circumstance where you do not want to listen to the content, you can switch off and fast forward ahead. As painful as it is to hear all of this from you, it’s still feedback that I will take to heart. And I appreciate that aspect of it. I hope you keep listening, but frankly, I won’t mind if you leave either as I don’t want anyone to have to undergo a “tedious” exercise to listen to this podcast. Or to be aggravated because I “wasted their time…or wasn’t respectful of their time, etc, etc, etc”. You might gather that I find your comments, well, frankly offensive. Not the feedback about the show per se, but the absence of any thankfulness related to what you have been given already as a gift. Part of what I am trying to convey on the show, goes well beyond just the detail facts surrounding the case. Many listeners not only like that aspect of it…they gravitate to the show because of it. I am not sure that aspect of the podcast has caught up with you yet. I’ll leave you with one more wander…It’s the famous quote by our beloved President Abraham Lincoln…you can please some of the people, some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. I wish you well Bob Cady.

      Jeff Crudele
      March 2022

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